A forest for all .... the senses - A path for Sonia - Badia Prataglia

The route begins at Badia Prataglia, in the locality of Capanno. There has always been a strong link between man and the forest, from which for a long time the people of these mountains have drawn sustenance. In Badia Prataglia woodworking is a centuries-old tradition and forest workers, in particular, are very skilled in finding a use for even the smallest piece of wood. 
Over the years, the path has been enriched with new elements: a handrail with a footplate and small rest areas allow today to reach the stream.

  • Recommended period: May-September (during the bad season the panels are dismantled).
  • Access: The path starts a few meters from the parking lot.
  • Accessibility: The path can be used by the blind, the visually impaired, by people in wheelchairs and by all those who have walking difficulties. During the bad season, rain and mud can make the trail less accessible. During the summer, wheelchairs must be accompanied along the steepest stretch.