05 - Falterona and Foresta di Campigna

Castagno d’Andrea – La Burraia – Campigna – Castagno d’Andrea An interesting ring starting from the Florentine side, to discover some of the most evocative and evocative places of the Park: the Gorga Nera, Capo d’Arno and the Idoli Lake, mystical and spiritual places linked to ancient legends. The ascent to Falterona Mount will then take us to the Grand Ducal Forest of Campigna, among age-old fir and beech trees.

  • FIRST DAY: Castagno d’Andrea – La Burraia Lenght 9 km – Positive height difference 500 m – Time 4.5 hours

  • SECONDO GIORNO:La Burraia – Campigna Lunghezza 10 km – Dislivello positivo 450 m — Tempo 4,5 ore

  • THIRD DAY: Campigna – Castagno d’Andrea Length 8 km – Positive height difference 400 m – Time 4 hours

For more information, download the ring detail sheet