Il Casone della Burraia lodge

The structure that has very ancient origins as “Grand Ducal stable”, is located at 1460 s.l.m. Also called Colonia della Burraia, because it was used as a colony for mountain stays in the 1950s, it has undergone several renovations, while retaining many of the original features. The refuge is located on the edge of a beech forest, along the 00 GEA CT route that from the Calla Pass reaches Monte Falterona, where the Arno river originates. Il Casone della Burraia has been managed by the Sci Club Stia since 1975 which uses it for its social purposes. Occasionally, non-profit and completely self-managed, the refuge can accommodate groups of up to 40 people.

La Burraia - Campigna, 47018 Santa Sofia (FC)
+39 0575 583965 - +39 0575 529263