Park picks

The Apennines , rising gradually from the eastern side, forms the main mountain group of the Park: Falterona Mount and Falco Mount. Along the southern slopes of Falterona, at 1358 m, a copious spring called Capo d’Arno is considered the origin of the largest Tuscan watercourse. Further east there is Idoli lake , the most important archaeological site in the Casentino. The mountain chain is covered up on the top by beech, which gives way to rare strips of alpine vegetation. Not far away is the highest peak of the Park and the Romagna Apennines: Mount Falco. In the glade at the top you will find blueberries, also present in the undergrowth of the beech woods, and the very rare cranberries. Many of the Park’s most precious floristic species are concentrated on the arenaceous outcrops of the northern slope, including the daffodil, the Eugenia’s Violet and the gentian verna.