Premilcuore Visitor Centre

The theme of the Premilcuore Visitor Centre is the fauna that populates the woods, clearings and waterways of the Park territory. The visit to the Centre begins by following the tracks of a stone marten,and keep with the Plastic Room and the Learning Room, where the silhouette of a dead tree is home to some species of birds. The cabinet of sounds and signs hides surprises dedicated to the animals of the park. The traces of a badger accompany visitors to the Tree of the senses, which through touch stimulates direct contact with objects of nature, and the wardrobe of perfumes, a pleasant setting that through the sense of smell allows you to discover the fragrances of the local flora . Continuing we reach the “Museum of the fauna of the Romagna ridge” with the large diorama that represents life in the woods. Following the track of a wolf you get to the educational laboratory where the kids come into contact with the reality of nature through educational games and environmental education experiences.

Via Roma, 47010 Premilcuore FC
+39 0543 956540