Ridracoli, the dam and the lake

The town of Ridracoli is characterized by the presence of a  humpback bridge that leads to an ancient palace, now used as a hotel. Adjacent to the location is located the recent museum dedicated to water, “Idro”, with interactive spaces and displays. Going up the valley you can admire the ruins of a medieval castle and continuing further you arrive at the impressive dam built in 1982 in order to supply water to the municipalities of the Romagna plain. Upstream of the dam the basin, whose waters have flooded three valley branches, is framed by steep slopes carved by numerous valleys, where the arenaceous outcrops alternate with the wooded edges. Seen from above, Lake Ridracoli has a narrow and long shape similar to a fjord and insinuates itself for more than three kilometers into the Bidente valley.

Via Ridracoli, 47021 Bagno di Romagna FC