Santa Sofia Visitor Centre

The best way to get to know the area is visit Santa Sofia Visitor Center, in which the main theme of the itinerary is “The forest”. The Center is set up inside Palazzo Nefetti, seat of the “Comunità Santa”. In the Scale-Model Room you can see the reproduction of territory, some aspects of the country life, that populated the Apennines before the abandonment of the mountains, emerge in the History Hallway and in the Suggestions Room you are immersed in a evocative multivision video. In the Learning Room it’s possible to learn by playing with the “Sound and Signs Wardrobe”. The upper floor, where it’s present a scale-model of Romagna built by the great naturalist Pietro Zangheri from Forlì , is dedicated to the setting up of temporary exhibitions.

Via Nefetti, 47018 Santa Sofia FC
+39 0543 970249