03- A ring path inside the Park

Passo della Calla – Badia Prataglia – Cà di Sopra – Passo della Calla
A challenging and well-trained ring, it is perhaps the most complete and allows us to cross some areas of greatest naturalistic interest in the National Park, as well as some sites of historical and religious importance that are unique in their kind: from the Hermitage di Camaldoli, passing through the magnificent Lama Forest, to the Ridracoli Dam and the suggestive plateau of S. Paolo in Alpe.

  • FIRST DAY: Campigna – Cà di Sopra: 17 km – Difference in altitude 700 m- Time 6.5 hours

  • SECOND DAY: Cà di Sopra – Badia Prataglia: 14 km – Difference in altitude 700 m – Time 6 hours

  • THIRD DAY: Badia Prataglia – Campigna: 15 km – Difference in altitude 1.000 m – Time 7 hours

For more information, download the ring detail sheet.