04 - Via Romea and Archiano valley

Bagno di Romagna – Podere Santicchio – Badia Prataglia – Bagno di Romagna
Interesting excursion along one of the most famous historic pilgrimage routes to Rome, this ring traces the Via Romea di Stade, witnessed in the Annales Stadenses by Monaco Alberto in the thirteenth century, through Nasseto, Serra Pass and the small villages of the Valle Santa close to the sacred mountain of Verna.

  • FIRST DAY: Bagno di Romagna – Podere Santicchio: 14 km – Difference in altitude 950 m- Time 6 hours

  • SECOND DAY: Podere Santicchio – Badia Prataglia: 8 km – Difference in altitude 500 m – Time 4 hours

  • THIRD DAY: Badia Prataglia – Bagno di Romagna: 10 km – Difference in altitude 400 m – Time 5 hours

For more information, download the ring detail sheet.