07 - Millenary Camaldoli Forest

Partina – Badia Prataglia – Asqua – Partina
A ring path that develops around the Camaldoli Forest, a forest linked to the millennial history of the Hermitage founded by S. Romualdo in 1023 and of the homonymous Monastery. The town of Badia Prataglia will therefore be the gateway to the climb to Monte Penna, one of the most beautiful panoramic terraces overlooking Romagna and the Lama forest.

  • FIRST DAY: Partina – Badia Prataglia: 17 km – Difference in altitude 950 m – Time 7 hours

  • SECOND DAY Badia Prataglia – Asqua: 17 km – Difference in altitude 850 m – Time 7 hours

  • THIRD DAY Asqua – Pratina: 13 km – Difference in altitude 150 m – Time 4 hours

For more information, download the ring detail sheet.