1 - Trek 21 - On the top of Falterona Mount from Castagno d'Andrea
Castagno – Le Calle – Monte Acuto – Monte Falterona – Fonte Borbotto – Castagno
Castagno d’Andrea, reachable from San Godenzo with the appropriate detour, is the town immortalized by the homonymous painter of the early Renaissance. There is still Andrea’s birthplace, or at least the one considered such by tradition or convention. Instead, the traces of the passage of another illustrious, Dino Campana, who stayed here during his “Journey to La Verna” in September 1910, inserted in the Canti Orfici, have disappeared. However, in addition to the evocative charm, a visit to Castagno d’Andrea is still advisable, even only for the church, rebuilt after the war and equipped with frescoes simply impressive for their subversive but extremely human charge. The itinerary proposed here is more than classic. It reaches the roof of the park (and of the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines), after a great ride on a ridge. Do not underestimate the difference in altitude – 900 meters! – which is unquestionably alpine.