10 - Wild valley between Rabbi and Montone

Premilcuore – Pian di Rocchi – S. Benedetto in Alpe – Premilcuore
From the peaks to the valley bottom on sometimes bare and panoramic ridges, in a succession of different environments and vast panoramas straddling three valleys. Ancient abandoned farms that retain the charm of a history of colonization and peasant life of which indelible marks remain in the landscape.

  • FIRST DAY: Premilcuore – Pian di Rocchi: 11 km – Difference in altitude 700 m – Time 4 hours

  • SECOND DAY: Pian di Rocchi – San Benedetto: 17 km – Difference in altitude 900 m – Time 7 hours

  • THIRD DAY: San Benedetto – Premilcuore: 16 km – Difference in altitude 700 m – Time 6 hours

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