11 - Solitary plateaux in Bidente valley

Corniolo – Pian di Rocchi – Campigna – Corniolo
The valleys of Santa Sofia and Premilcuore where the woods alternate with meadows and rocky areas, where your gaze sweeps from the low hills of Romagna to the highest ridges of Monte Falco and Poggio Scali. Three days in Romagna Romagna, two nights in refuges surrounded by greenery and tranquility.

  • FIRST DAY: Corniolo – Pian di Rocchi: 12 km – Difference in altitude 600 m – Time 5 hours

  • SECOND DAY: Pian di rocchi – Campigna: 18 km Difference in altitude 600 m – Time 7 hours

  • THIRD DAY: Campigna – Corniolo: 14 km – Difference in altitude 980 m – Time 6 hours

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