A path for all ... the senses - Campigna

The path winds through a special place, rich in nature and in history: Campigna is a small town in the heart of the Casentinesi Forest National Park and within the State Biogenetic Reserve. The nature of these mountains is undoubtedly wonderful and to our eyes it appears wild, but with a little attention it reveals itself shaped and modified by man.
When we think of the Park, we imagine wonderful creatures like the deer, mysterious like the wolf, centuries-old and imposing like fir trees. However, the park is also made up of many stories of men and here in Campigna there is something special: the Viale dei Tigli. This place in the past has attracted many travelers, writers and poets and today it offers us an extra element. It is a simple path but full of little surprises to discover together: 350 meters which for some may be a real achievement.

  • Recommended period: May-September (during the winter the panels are dismantled).
  • Access: the path begins a few meters away from the small Forest Museum, near the “Granduca” Hotel.
  • Accessibility: The path can be used by the blind, the visually impaired, by people in wheelchairs and by all those who have walking difficulties. During the bad season the rain and the mud they can make the path less accessible.